When we change our attitudes, we change our lives. The first step is to STOP that negative tape when it creeps into your consciousness. Replace that tape with a new message. It takes practice, typically 21-28 days to create a new belief. Practice, Practice! Ask yourself:
- How often do I envision reaching my goal?
- How often do I dismiss it and reason my goal is unreachable?
You must consciously and purposefully focus on what you want and tell yourself that you WILL have it. Envision what it will look like, what it will feel like. EVERY day, without fail. Practice, practice. Make it a habit to focus on success.
An excellent exercise is to journal. Consciously write down you goal. Script what it will feel like to reach your goal. What will it look like? What feelings will you have? Devote 10 minutes each day to write in your journal. Begin every entry with "I am so thankful to have abundance in my life. I am joyful to be/have
Do this each day or evening for 21 days. You will feel the positive effects long before 21 days - however it will take a little time to create a new belief system.
One of the most important steps of the process is creating a support system. You are committed to your goal. Now you need to share this goal. Talking about your goal in positive speak is an important part of the process. As you begin to visualize your success, share it with others.
Think about who in your life will share in your joy of having achieved what you want. This could be a colleague, partner, family member or friend. You needed have "it all figured out" just yet. But sharing where you want to be, where you intend to be, where you WILL be, reinforces your commitment & energizes your focus.
You may receive feedback that feels less than supportive - turn off the negative tape - and continue to take care of yourself by focusing on achievement. YOU are scripting your life.
Best of luck on the journey!
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