Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kick Start Your New Year

‘Tis the time of year when the holly comes down, trees get recycled, and eggnog is off the shelves. The cheer and goodwill that resonated all through December has fled and we find ourselves making resolutions for new habits and swearing off the old. The New Year brings with it the promise of something better and the hope that dreams will be realized.

Unfortunately, while taking our inventories, what we imagine is lacking in our lives becomes amplified. We find ourselves wanting something other than what we have. When making this year’s resolutions consider this: If we want to change our lives, we need to begin in a state of appreciation. Gratitude brings with it a feeling of abundance and peace. It is impossible to feel motivation when we’re overcome with frustration.

Begin your inventory with what is RIGHT in your life. Write down at least three things that you are thankful for, or happy about. Reflect for a few minutes about the abundance you already have. Take a little time and concentrate on these things. When you feel ready, assign a number between 1-10 representing your level of satisfaction or contentment with each, ten being the most satisfied.

Next, write down three things you’d like to improve or change. Remembering that you already have good things in your life, you can set goals that will be more realistic, and seem less daunting. We don’t want our inner critic dictating our goals for the next year, because the inner critic is just that, full of criticism! The list should be short and concise. Too many goals and we become overwhelmed and can feel like a failure before we even begin.

Next to each item on your “to do” list, determine how much time you can devote to each. Create a timeline, not only how often you’ll work on your goal, but an end date. When can you celebrate your success? Open ended goals or tasks can be difficult to focus on, and in this case, a deadline can be a wonderful motivator and help keep you on track.

A key to success is using a support system. If one of your goals is exercise or weight loss, consider teaming up with your friends, family members, or co-workers who might enjoy walking together or spending time moving your bodies. If you want to stop smoking find a support group through your local hospital or health center, who generally offer free classes or meetings to support healthy behaviors. Another way to succeed is to share your goals, no matter what they are, with others. It increases your commitment to the goals, and allows others to cheer you on.

The law of attraction is one of the most important factors in achieving your goals. Focus on what you want and envision what your life will look like once you’ve attained your goal. Remember that focusing on lack produces more lack, and feelings of discontent. Envision your goals as reality. Keep a positive attitude and call on your support network when you hit a roadblock or a patch of unease. You attract to you the things you focus on, so focus on what you want, not on what you don’t have! Consistency, a positive attitude, support from friends and family, and gratitude for the gifts in your life will help you to achieve your resolutions this New Year.

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