Monday, June 4, 2007

Reduce turnover and improve productivity

Reducing employee turnover is an integral part of helping to boost your company's bottom line. The top reason that employees leave an organization has nothing to do with salary -- it's due to frustrations with management.

How can today's employers combat frustrations and burnout?
  • Keep your employees connected to your organization by clarifying and communicating your company's goals and mission. Staff can best handle challenges when they understand the value and purpose of their work.
  • Reward employees that exhibit behaviors that promote your company's mission. Employees want to do work that is valuable, but most importantly, they want to be valued.
  • Allow employees the opportunity to determine how they will accomplish their goals. The highest levels of burnout occur in situations where employees have high levels of responsibility coupled with little control. Delegate assignments and whenever possible let your staff determine how the work will get done.
Giving your employees the latitude to accomplish tasks under their own direction is not only good management, it makes good dollar sense. A motivated and enthusiastic staff member will accomplish more in 8 hours than two disgruntled or burnt-out employees in 12 hours.

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